The Southern Endoscopy Centre has developed a Clinical Governance Framework covering four major areas of organisational performance including:
1. Clinical Risk Management (making sure our services are safe and minimising risk of error)
Our culture promotes and encourages staff to report incidents, risks and near misses;
Incident Management policy outlines the process for assessing and investigating incidents;
Clinical policies are developed in accordance with evidence based best practice.
2. Clinical Effectiveness (making sure that the clinical services we provide are effective)
Quality plans are initiated when significant issues are raised;
Serious clinical incidents are reported and investigated;
Quality performance and safety issues are reported to the Medical Advisory Committee and Board of Governance;
We meet the standards for accreditation by ISO and NSQHS standards.
3. Effective Workforce (making sure our staff are competent and up-to-date)
Ensuring a strict process for checking credentials, registration and scope of practice for all clinical disciplines;
Targeted education and competency requirements in all clinical areas;
Staff are orientated and updated on quality and risk systems.
4. Consumer Participates (involving our patients and carers in their care)
Consumer complaints and feedback processes are managed in a timely fashion;
Consumer feedback from patient satisfaction surveys informs strategic and business planning;
Consumer participate and partner in improving patient experiences and health outcomes;
Open disclosure between clinicians and consumers is actively promoted when things don't go to plan.